The dispensing systems for lubricants from LBI oil free combine many advantages. All models offer optimum oil-free lubrication and have been specially developed for low to high viscosity media. Our portfolio includes innovative ready-made models, modified basic models as well as individual special solutions. All dispensing systems can be operated manually or automatically and guarantee maximum process reliability and efficient use of operating resources. Our dispensing systems are compatible with almost all machines.
Versatile dispensing systems for lubricants
In our portfolio we have dispensing systems for internal pipe lubrication, surface lubrication, minimum quantity cooling lubrication (MQL) and individual special solutions. All dispensing systems can be tested. With the dispensing systems, lubricants can be applied cleanly, flexibly and economically at the same time. In total, this results in a lubricant saving of 40 to 60 percent.
The applied amount, even of thin to highly viscous media, can be adjusted very finely. The reproducible spray pattern is uniform. The handling of our dispensing systems is simple and flexible. They are used for forming, deep drawing and tube bending, for strip and blank lubrication and internal tube lubrication.
Hand spray unit HSE-2-P
The handy device can be used flexibly and enables fast and uncomplicated lubrication of pipes and blanks, exactly where it is needed. To lubricate tubes, the LBI spray lance is simply connected to the HSE-2-P via the air and medium hose. The low weight and easy handling are further attributes that our customers particularly appreciate.
Mandrel lubrication system DS
The LBI mandrel lubrication system DS is ideal for applying the lubricant exactly where it is needed - at the contact point between mandrel and tube. The automatic system can be integrated into any machine control system and stands for the best mandrel internal lubrication. Optionally, it can also be used for wiper-die lubrication.
zuDispensing systems for MQL
The MDE-A is flexible to use, easy to handle and ideal for all MQL applications. The dispensing system is characterised by simple practical use and uncomplicated installation. The system is versatile and compatible due to the use of different nozzles.
Dispensing systems for surface lubrication
The BETTI mobile surface lubrication system is used wherever blanks need to be lubricated evenly in the smallest possible space using the simplest possible means. The purely pneumatically operated system is mounted on a frame with castors. Only a compressed air connection is required. All adjustable parameters, such as throughput speed of the blanks, wetting time, atomiser air pressure and tank pressure can be quickly and easily adapted to the respective requirements.
Surface lubrication system FBS
The LBI surface wetting system FBS is the proven solution for blank and coil lubrication in metal forming. The customisable system combines the precision of dispensing and minimising the use of lubricant with the requirements of blank and coil lubrication. The FBS enables the low-mist application of optionally up to two lubricants. The system is ideally suited to reduce the use of lubricants in the diverse applications of blank and coil lubrication and to prevent environmentally harmful or cleaning-intensive contamination of the machine and workplace.